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1. When I first applied to IUPUI, I was nervous but excited to start this new chapter. Orientation helped ease some of my anxieties through connecting me with resources and outlining what to expect. The bridge program before classes began was valuable for navigating campus, making friends, and starting to feel like I belonged. Over the semester, I have grown significantly both academically and personally. A particularly meaningful learning experience was a group project in my speech course. Working with peers on researching and presenting real solutions to address homelessness forced me to think critically and develop teamwork skills.


2. Through my first semester, I have learned that I am more resilient than I realized. Transitioning to college while still finding time for my family and job tested my time management abilities.  However, I am continuing to work on my growth mindset that every challenge only serves to make me stronger.


3. My biggest lesson has been that my education is what I make of it. I learned quickly that success requires engagement - speaking up more in classes, making use of instructor office hours, and joining study groups. By taking ownership, I have been able to shape my experience. As next semester approaches, the key lesson is maintaining balance. My health and well-being impact everything else - when I care for both my body and mind, I show up better as a student.

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